
What is Mastitis?
Mastitis is inflammation of the mammary glands, usually are a result of bacterial infection in the milk glands themselves. This infection usually comes in from the outside and only occurs when the animal is producing milk or, more commonly, when they have just finished producing milk. At other times the opening to the gland ducts are sealed. If left untreated mastitis can become a very serious problem, The quicker treatment is commenced the less likely that further complications will occur, in extreme cases septicaemia is possible.

What are the signs of Mastitis?
One or more of the mammary glands will be swollen, hot and hard. It is a very painful condition and the cat or dog will often be depressed and react when the affected lands are touched. The milk produced by the affected glands will often be changed in thickness and colour – often watery and brown but can be blood stained, thick, clotted or even pus like. In severe cases the infection may burst out onto the skin like an abscess, discharging pus. A dog or cat with mastitis will often appear depressed, lethargic and will have a fever.

What is the treatment for Mastitis?
Mastitis is treated with antibiotics, often combined with anti-inflammatory painkillers since this is a pretty painful problem. Courses of antibiotics often need to be prolonged, at least 1 week but often more. It may also need Hot compresses, Possible Intravenous Fluids, Possible lancing of infected gland.

Severe mastitis can leave open sores on the mammary glands that may take a few weeks to heal. In rare cases, so much damage is done that one or more of the glands must be surgically removed, but this is a rare complication.

It usually necessary to prevent the pups/kittens from suckling when the mother has mastitis. If they drink the infected milk is can make the puppies/kittens ill. If they are not old enough to be weaned, it may be necessary to bottle feed the puppies/kittens. If only one or two glands are affected, it may be possible to supervise feeding so that the affected gland is not used, then supplement any that still seem hungry. Mastitis is very painful, so the mother may no feel like feeding anyway.

Can anything be done to prevent Mastitis?
Ensuring that the mother is in a clean environment helps, but mastitis will often occur despite the best cleanliness. The most important thing is to monitor the glands to catch the problem early. Early treatment will prevent the problem from becoming severe.

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