Eye Tacking




Appearance of lower lid entropion in a Shar-pei. All four lids may be affected, (there should be a clear eye-line margin visible in a normal unaffected eye) Insertion of the vertical mattress sutures.
The first bite is taken near the lid margin
The sutures are tied with the knot away from the eye. The suture can be removed after 10 to 14 days. If they loosen or pull out they should be replaced as necessary

This procedure should be carried out by Qualified Vets only

Sutures: .40 Silk or similar material

2 or 3 vertical sutures per lid

First bite taken near lid margin with 1 or 2 more bites up to one inch from margin to avert lid

Tie sutures snugly, but not too tight

Use a broad spectrum antibiotic opthalmic ointment, 2 or 3 times daily to keep the cornea's moist and lubricated as tacking reduces blink responses

Sutures should be left in for 10 to 14 days. They will often loosen or pull out, re-tack as necessary


An eye tack is a comparatively
 minor procedure that causes
 little or no discomfort to the
Puppy and should correct the
Entropion (in-turning) of the lid

In the event that a puppy
requires an eye tack, the
treatment should have been
carried out and completed by
the breeders vet prior to
collection of the puppy by the new owner

Gently bathing the eyes of a puppy two or three times daily with lukewarm water prior to the eyes opening and then for a few days after, reduces the likelihood of a puppy needing eye tacked

An Entropion can occur in an older puppy usually up to approx 14 mths old 

If an older Shar-Pei
(i.e; Between 3 to 6 years old)
shows signs of upset and discomfort in an eye, they should be examined as a matter of urgency by a vet, for the possibility of a Luxating Lens

Topical Medication may be applied to the conjuctival 'cul de sac'. while steadying the dogs head by placing the left hand under the muzzle, the left thumb rolls down the lower eyelid of the eye, exposing the pink 'cul de sac' , with the right hand held above the eye or resting on the dogs head, medication may be placed in the exposed 'sac'

Be very careful not to allow the tip of the container to touch the eye


The Shar-Pei are born with wrinkled faces. Some pups more than others. The eyes are closed at birth and open from about 10 to 17 days, and then some never open, or open a little and shut tight again, what to do, if this is a show puppy you must have natural untouched eyes, eye tack, but it is not easy to get. For a breeder it is very frustrating, even more so for the puppy buyer that has these situations crop up. Eyes can shut at any time during your dogs life and there are many reasons for it, apart from hereditary, this includes stress, walks where debris is also outside trees plants, household chemical, household plants, etc can get into the dog or pups eyes.

 Just because a puppy is born with tack free eyes does not mean it will be free of this for the rest of its life, and just because a puppy does have eye tacks does not mean you will have any further problems with this condition either.

What does Entropion mean to your dog & you? The problem is usually evident before a year of age. Discomfort from Entropion will cause increased tearing and squinting. Your dog may be sensitive to light and may rub at its eyes. Chronic irritation by the turned in eyelid may cause corneal ulceration and scarring which is painful and, if not corrected, can impair vision. Dogs who have had surgical correction for a defect such as eye tacking or Entropion may not be exhibited in the show ring.

How is Entropion diagnosed? The inrolling of the eyelid is readily apparent. Generally both eyes are affected. Depending on the degree of corneal irritation and the duration, there will be other signs such as those mentioned above. Your veterinarian will evaluate the degree of Entropion and use flourescein dye to determine if there is any corneal ulceration. Your vet will use a topical ophthalmic anaesthetic to anaesthetize the cornea and conjunctiva will enable eliminatation of the spastic component of the Entropion in order to better evaluate the anatomic component. This is important before surgery is performed.

How is Entropion treated? Entropion is corrected surgically. If possible it is best to delay surgery until the dog is an adult since the involved facial structures are still growing and changing. Although always seek advice from your vet.

 As with eye tacking, Entropion may also need more than one operation . It is better to correct the Entropion conservatively and repeat the operation later if necessary, than to overcorrect causing ectropion. In breeds such as the chow chow that have particularly severe Entropion related to heavy facial folds, several surgeries may be required.

Breeding advice and Entropion  is one of the eye conditions that is a result of selection by breeders and a demand by the public for such features as excessively prominent eyes and heavy facial folds. A responsible breeding programme will choose animals for breeding with a more normal head conformation, so as to select away from these exaggerated facial features and the problems associated with them. A good breeder will recognise Entropion as an unacceptable problem in their breeding lines, and will advises others ‘Not to breed from affected Shar Pei’. Also it is important to discouraging this and other undesirable traits from breeding lines.

What is Entropion? Entropion is the inward rolling of the eyelid, most commonly the lower lid. This irritates the surface of the eye (the cornea) and may ultimately cause visual impairment, by way of scratching this cornea and causing the same affect as taking sandpaper to a smooth surface.

It is likely that Entropion is influenced by several genes (polygenic inheritance) that affect the skin and other structures that make up the eyelids, the way the skin covers the face and head, and the conformation of the skull.

Please take time to read about Lens Luxation too on our health page!...

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